Inspirations Newsletter, Fall/Winter 2021, Issue #15
In this issue: Our newly expanded mission and vision, ACHF’s new branding, an update about the Help Our Kids Thrive campaign, this year’s Evans Nursing Scholarship recipients, completion of the Holbrook Café at AACH, and Lights for Life.
Inspirations Newsletter, Summer 2021, Issue #14
In this issue: An update on our strategic plan, how your donations made a difference in 2020, this year’s Patrons Campaign, an interview with one of our 2020 Evans Nursing Scholarship recipients, this year’s Distinguished Service Award Honoree, and recognizing our 2020 donors.
Inspirations Newsletter, Special Edition, Fall 2020, Issue #13
In this issue: Our new location on Clear Creek Drive in Ashland, wildfire assistance for Asante Ashland Community Hospital employees, the arrival of new UV-C lights for the hospital, and two new grants that will support the School Nurse Program.
Inspirations Newsletter, Spring 2020, Issue #12
In this issue: Expanding services through the School Nurse Program, how your donations made a difference in 2019, this year’s Patrons Campaign to purchase two Optimum UV-Enlight System devices for sanitization at the hospital, the 2019 Distinguished Service Award Recipient, and an introduction to our new board members.
Inspirations Newsletter, Spring 2019, Issue #11
In this issue: The OCF Reed and Carolee Walker Fund, 2018 Distinguished Service Award Honoree, how your donations made a difference in 2018, the launch of the Resiliency Program at AACH, the 2019 Healthcare Innovation Symposium, and an introduction to our new board members.
Inspirations Newsletter, Fall 2018, Issue #10
In this issue: Two new EKG devices support cardiac care at Asante Ashland Community Hospital, Evans Nursing Scholarship Award breaks a new record, a message from the president, and recognizing our Lights for Life Community Partners.
Inspirations Newsletter, Spring 2018, Issue #9
In this issue: Announcing the foundation’s new Innovation Fund, this year’s Distinguished Service Award, recognizing our 2017 donors, upcoming 2018 seminars, the Ashland Duffers Golf Tournament supporting AACH, and a refreshed Emergency Department break room at AACH.
Inspirations Newsletter, Fall 2017, Issue #8
In this issue: Welcoming new emeritus board members, Circle of Caring helps donors pass on their appreciation, Lights for Life community partners, Give Back Wednesdays, and celebrating our 40th anniversary.
Inspirations Newsletter, Spring 2017, Issue #7
In this issue: National award honors ACHF board member Chuck Butler, 2016 Distinguished Service Award Honoree, how your donations made a difference in 2016, celebrating 40 years (and four priorities for this year’s Patrons Campaign), recognizing our 2016 donors, and introducing our new board members.
Inspirations Newsletter, Fall 2016, Issue #6
In this issue: A renovated Ashland Family Birth Center, introducing the hospital’s long-awaited chapel, Give Back Wednesdays, Louie’s Big Give, this year’s Lights for Life Community Partners, and a record number of students receive the Evans Nursing Scholarship.
Inspirations Newsletter, Spring 2016, Issue #5
In this issue: Our 2015 Distinguished Service Award Honoree, spotlight on Circle of Caring donor Bob Holbrook, the impact of your donations in 2015, new rules about your IRA, recognizing our 2015 donors, local grocers boosting a student wellness program, and announcing the Ashland Family Birth Center facelift.
Inspirations Newsletter, Fall 2015, Issue #4
In this issue: Soroptomist support of ACHF, Butler Ford rallies for patient care, hospital adds new urology and women’s health services, an interview with a 2015 Evans Nursing Scholarship recipient, and giving to Lights for Life.
Inspirations Newsletter, Spring 2015, Issue #3
In this issue: A gift breathes life into AACH Pediatric Care, our 2014 Distinguished Service Award Honoree, the impact of your giving in 2014, recognizing our 2014 donors, Learning Luncheon dates, a newly upgraded digital X-ray suite, and the 2015 Patrons Campaign.
Inspirations Newsletter, Fall 2014, Issue #2
In this issue: Oeser bequest to the foundation honors hospital staff, the vital work of the School Nurse Program, new equipment arrives at the Ashland Family Birth Center, this year’s Lights for Life events, and long-time hospital volunteers to be honored in new program.
Inspirations Newsletter, Spring 2014, Issue #1
In this issue: Last year’s record-breaking donation numbers, our 2013 Distinguished Service Award Honoree, remembering Doug Gentry, recognizing our 2013 donors, a bequest for hospital hospice care, and announcing our 2014 Patrons Campaign.